Friday 31 October 2014

BBS LM appreciation...

...I stumbled across this nice Rennlist thread appreciating the love for BBS LM wheels on 993s. The 'Le Mans Forged Split Rim' definitely goes onto my wish list. Might consider treating myself if I can find a decent second-hand set - I'll reach out to the guys at Jasmine to help with the search. Wish me luck!  

Saturday 18 October 2014


...a lovely 993 C2S on other side of the world in Sydney, courtesy of my good friend Barry.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Aurelia's seat

After some extensive research in child seats for the particularly tiny rear seats of the 993 I learned that the Maxi-Cosi Rodi is ideal. Most recommend the SPS (the budget model) but I went for the AirProtect (approx. double the price at £100 but the best-tested model with some fancy side impact technology for extra protection) - it fits in nice and snug. And not that aesthetics should matter but the full black cover with red accents, matching the body work and brake callipers of my car, was a nice touch I thought. One good tip is the Diono Ultra Mat to protect the leather against wear & tear and prevents the seat from slipping. All in all, I'm very happy - shame Aurelia wasn't! The seat belt around the neck suggests she needs to do some growing before she's ready for her maiden voyage in Daddy's car - but that's okay, at least we're set for next summer. Looking forward to taking her out for her first run. :-) 

Petworth Rendezvous

Rendezvous at Petworth on our way down to Goodwood for the Breakfast Club. Greg, in his lovely Mk1, joined the Porsche convoy for this month's theme: Hot Hatch Sunday. Nice.